North London Cares is no longer operational – this website is for information only

What do neighbours get from being part of NLC?

Please note: this post is 114 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only

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Younger and older neighbours often tell us that they value and appreciate their interactions with one another through our various Social Clubs and our Love Your Neighbour friendships.

But sometimes we hear little vignettes or snippets that articulate why we do what we do way better than we can.

Today was one of those days - when one of our older neighbours reported this back to us:

"We're old. Sometimes we get depressed, or anxious. I have dementia. But we've got skills and we've got experience. I love seeing the brightness in the young people's eyes. It's rejuvenating."

Here's to real friendships, and the space to create them.

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